Progressive Guitar Method Intermediate Book 2
Progressive Guitar Method Intermediate Book 2
226 Peel street
226 Peel street
Tamworth NSW 2340
Progressive Guitar Method Book 2 picks up from where Book 1 ends and contains all you need to know to continue learning to be a great guitar player - in one easy-to-follow, lesson-by-lesson guitar tutorial.
Suitable for all ages and all types of guitars including acoustic guitar and electric guitar. Basic knowledge of how to read music and playing the guitar is required to teach yourself to learn to play guitar from this book.
Comes with instructions to receive free online video & audio demonstrating all examples.
Teach yourself:
How to play chords with bass note picking
How to play basic guitar chords and rhythm guitar strumming notation
How to play guitar notes and guitar scales used in lead guitar solos and guitar pieces
All the fundamental techniques of guitar playing including alternate picking and playing arpeggios
Guitar theory for learning how to read guitar music for beginners
Guitar tips and guitar tricks that every player should know when learning guitar
Shortcuts for how to learn guitar fast by getting the most from guitar practice sessions
Contains everything you need to know to learn to play the guitar today.
Features include:
Progressive step-by-step easy guitar lessons written by a professional guitar teacher
Full color photos and diagrams
Easy-to-read guitar music and easy guitar chords
Guitar chord chart containing formulas and chord diagrams for all important guitar chords
117 guitar exercises, guitar chord progressions, guitar solos and popular easy guitar songs in folk guitar, blues guitar and rock guitar styles
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